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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Bigfoot may be forever be a mystery

California, 1958,

Construction worker Jerry Crew reports to see Big Foot, a creature that is half ape half man. Over the years many photos and countless accounts have stated that they have seen this strange creature. Although there are many stories and "photos" taken of bigfoot are proven to be fake, there are still some stories that have yet to be proven wrong or photos proven to be fake. Although we wouldn't ever be able to prove if this creature exists, simply because the fact that people from different states and even different countries have reported of seeing "Big Foot". A family in michigan has reported a sighting and encounter, and a group of Russians state that Big Foot lives in southern Siberia, and of course countless times in California. Although the Russians claim this was a "living snowman" or in other words a Yeti. One could imply if they looked at all of these accounts and pictures of big foot, and then looked at a picture or drawing of a Yeti, you could see a significant similarity between them. Right now researchers frantically continue to search for Big Foot, this time in California's Redwood forest. Because of all of these accounts and pictures, without a significant amount of proof the mystery behind Bigfoot may never be truly solved because we don't have enough proof. 

A footprint supposedly taken in Siberia

More links you may find interesting:

Researchers search for bigfoot in California

