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The blog is dedicated to finding the most unexplained and bizzare things in this world. Crime, Science, Paranormal, myths and legends. You will all find it here.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Shadow beings

You can see the beings in between the trees
One of the most famous pictures taken in 2005 by a paranormal taskforce in St. Louis, Missouri. In the 1950s this area was named "Zombie Road".  This is maybe the most interesting paranormal areas I have ever seen. Several EVP's have been recorded, but the real interesting thing is the spotted "Shadow beings" roaming the area as you can see in between the trees to the right. Most people say that the people who have died have been drowned and were mostly children. The river is called "The river of death" by many people in the area. You can also see the river in the picture to the right.

So, do you think those shadows in between the trees are the ghosts of the children who have been drowned? Do you think they prey on anyone who gets near the river and pulls them in?

Those questions may never be answered...

To find more about the investigation of the paranormal taskforce, you can go to this website.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog :)

    Also, I don't think this mystery will ever be solved.
