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The blog is dedicated to finding the most unexplained and bizzare things in this world. Crime, Science, Paranormal, myths and legends. You will all find it here.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It has begun

Scientists have been testing on lab rats to cure dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and amnesia. With the help of a artificial chip in the brain they can now recover a memory with a touch of a button.

Nytimes.com states: "The rats were implanted with a tiny array of electrodes, which threaded from the top of the head down into two neighboring pieces of the hippocampus, a structure that is crucial for forming these new memories, in rats as in humans. The two slivers of tissue, called CA1 and CA3, communicate with each other as the brain learns and stores new information. The device transmits these exchanges to a computer."

I have this strange feeling that they are going to succeed with humans. I have a question though: if technology gets advanced enough to make people remember with a touch of a button will they be able to make people forget at a touch of a button?


  1. Good point :), I actually saw something similar to this on the news that they are creating these chips that can improve memory but the thought of having a chip in my brain is just...ugh

  2. Well, I guess making people forget things is WAY easier than letting them remember. Of course, you might need to do some preparation work in some cases, in other cases it's not warranted they really do forget, and all methods I can think of might get me in jail if I really tried those, lol.
